Cracking The IELTS Reading Section

IELTS offers you the avenue wherein you can get hold of your dreams to study abroad. This test is known to be taxing as it evaluates your acumen and ability in English language on all the four counts; reading, speaking, writing and listening. It can further be underlined by the fact that the total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes. Thus, the IELTS coaching given by the best ielts coaching centre in Gurgaon follows the same template as the standard ones which the student has to undertake. Therefore, the listening, reading and writing tests are taken together. It must be noted that the speaking test may be taken on the same day or after or before other tests. There are a few things to note while you prepare for the IELTS Reading test. Firstly, the IELTS Listening and Speaking modules are common in both IELTS Academic and General Tests. The IELTS Listening test has time duration of thirty minutes. This section takes 60 minutes to complete. There is no extra timing to answer.


In order to better prepare yourself for the test, it is important to develop the habit to speak and converse with everyone in English only. That is to say, one must culture and mingle with English speaking people much as they can. Spend your free time by watching news bulletins and documentaries in English as you ought to have the knowledge of English language’s verbiage inside out. There is a need to know about all the important verticals of the IELTS test to familiarize quickly to the format and pattern. Another key element to know is that the time plays a crucial role and hence you have to understand the significance of time management. Each section is different and they have to be dealt with precision and patience.

The task of reading is more like an investment of time. The more you read the more fluent your writing gets since you develop a understanding of what exactly you wish to describe or articulate in written form.

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