To meet the burgeoning shortage of qualified and trained Blood Bank Technicians in India, AISS has conceptualized a Program in Blood Bank Technology. The Certificate programme is based on the guidelines and standards of Healthcare Sector Skill Council and the Diploma Programme is based on the guidelines and standards of Indian Medical Association. The program is designed to enhance skills and assist the candidates to identify blood types and antibodies, test blood for bacteria & viruses, identify response of body to blood transfusion and supervise the collection, separation, delivery and storage of blood components. Certificate program in Blood Bank Technology is a 9 months full-time program and Diploma program is 2 years full-time program. The program has a blended approach encompassing both theory and clinical aspects and offers live classroom sessions, skill Lab on-the-job training and internship.
Please download the brochure for taking admission in this course here : Click Here
At the end of the program the student will be awarded with a Certificate Astron Institute of International Studies.