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Astron Institute
Astron Institute of International Studies
Astron Group


Astron Institute of International Studies, an e-learning portal of the Astron Group, focused on achieving academic excellence in healthcare, quality & accreditation of healthcare services and hospital planning & design.
We stand out from other e-Learning platform as a leader and offers Enterprise-Wide Training, Team Specific Training, Leadership Development program, Online & Hybrid Training for Healthcare Professionals. More than 25,000 Healthcare Professionals have been trained and certified by AlIS.
With its innovative pedagogy, AllS has personalized advance training modules specially catering to the needs of Doctors, Nurses and Paramedical Professionals. We adopt a comprehensive learning pedagogy for upskilling of public sectors through blended approach. We perform a complete life-cycle of online learning, e-Learning solutions development, blended learning, mobile learning, curriculum development, and facilitation of workshop.

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