Nepal is a country in South Asia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic. It is mainly in the Himalayas. It also includes parts of INDO- GANGETIC PLAIN. Forty-Ninth largest country by population (ESTIMATED 26.4 MILLION) and Ninety-third largest country by area. Diverse geography that includes fertile plains, forested hills and tallest mountains. Local language is Nepali. The currency is Nepalese rupees (1 Rs= 0.63). Average summer temperature is 20°C to 35°C and 2°C to 12°C in winters.
MBBS in Nepal is the great opportunity for Indian students because of the location and friendly relation with Nepal. Majority of the students are from the northern part of the country. Most of the faculty are from India. Nepal course structure/ duration/syllabus are similar to the India. MBBS in Nepal is one of top destinations for Indian students. MBBS from Nepal is valid in India only.