
Learning Objective

  • To enhance managerial and technical skills in the field of Infection Control.
  • To develop critical thinkers who creatively engage in nursing processes to improve healthcare outcomes.
  • To develop caring and culturally responsive communication and Interpersonal skill.
  • To understand nursing ethics and by laws.
  • To develop effective collaborators to effectively contribute to disease prevention, quality, safety and equality.

Eligibility Criteria

  • GNM
  • B.Sc./M.Sc. Nursing
  • ANM with 5 years experience in Hospital working

Course Duration


  • 4 Months (3 Months Online class + 1 Month Hospital Training)
  • 6 Months ( 3 Months Online Clsss + 3 Months Hospital Training)

Course Content

This course has been grouped in the following three terms of one month each:

Term 1:

  • Module 1: Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
  • Module 2: Procedures and Practices for Infection Prevention
  • Module 3: Biomedical Waste Management
  • Module 4: Sterilization, Disinfection, and Decontamination
  • Module 5: Housekeeping in Healthcare Settings

Term 2:

  • Module 1: Bundle Approach to Prevent Device Associated Infections
  • Module 2: Laundry and Linen Management
  • Module 3: Engineering & Maintenance Infection Control Practices
  • Module 4: Kitchen Infection Control Practices
  • Module 5: Tracking of HAI's

Term 3:

  • Module 1: Organization of Infection Prevention and Control Program
  • Module 2: Sharps Management, Sharp Injuries and Post Exposure Prophylaxis
  • Module 3: Staff Health Programme & Vaccination
  • Module 4: Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillage
  • Module 5: Outcome of Program on Hospital Infection Control

Evaluations and Grading

  • Evaluations will collate candidate performance based on Self- Assessment, Term End Assessment, completion of Project Work, participation in Webinar, participation in student-faculty chat.
  • Grading will be done based on alphabetical grade point percentage.


At the end of the program the student will be awarded a Certification from Astron Institute of International Studies and respective hospital for undergoing onjob training.

  • National Accreditation Board for Education and Training ( NABET )
  • Skill India Training Partner (TP ID-TP197461)
  • International Standards of Education ( ISO 17024: 2012 / ISO 29990: 2010)